Thursday, January 10, 2019

how does it feel to be part of the ever-shrinking minority between the crazies on the left and the crazies on the right?

had enough? 
who do you trust? 
   - a left wing extremist
   - a right wing extremist?
   - or do you trust the extremist republican and democratic parties that are financed by billionaire corporations and billionaire extremist PACs that supply candidates for public office? 

to fix our dysfunctional government is simple and easy--stop voting for republican and democratic party candidates who are extremists, and who don't represent the best interests of our country to move our country forward. 

voting for a republican or a democrat is a vote for the party--the hand that holds the puppet/money strings. 

public domain

in the next election--national, state or local--vote for someone who shares your values who is not a democrat or a republican. 

even with their billion dollar donors, the republican and democratic parties will shrivel up and die if no one votes for their extremist candidates.

nothing will be better for our country.

the same goes for biased media--stop patronizing divisive, biased media and they'll go out of business. nothing will be better for the USA. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

pathological lying should be an automatic disqualifier for the office of POTUS

image by Shaun Dawson

had enough? 

who do you trust? 
   - a pathological liar?
   - or a person who tells the truth?
   - or do you trust the republican and democratic parties that are financed by billionaire corporations and billionaire extremist PACs that supply candidates for public office? 

to fix our dysfunctional government is simple and easy--stop voting for republican and democratic party candidates who are pathological liars, and who don't represent the best interests of our country to move our country forward. 

voting for a republican or a democrat is a vote for the party--the hand that holds the puppet/money strings. 

public domain

in the next election--national, state or local--vote for someone who shares your values who is not a democrat or a republican. 

even with their billion dollar donors, the republican and democratic parties will shrivel up and die if no one votes for their candidates.

nothing will be better for our country.

the same goes for biased media--stop patronizing divisive, biased media and they'll go out of business. nothing will be better for the USA.