Sunday, August 12, 2018

the pot calls the kettle black

Trump on Omarosa: She's a 'low-life' - CNN Video 

image by Gage Skidmore

had enough? 

who do you trust?
- someone who you know who has similar values to yours?
- or "a racist, a bigot and a misogynist"? someone who trashes other people?
- or do you trust political parties that are financed by billionaire corporations and billionaire PACs? 

here's how government operates: 

the fix to our dysfunctional government is simple--stop voting for lousy candidates who don't represent your values. 

If you vote for a republican or a democrat, then it's not the person who you voted for who is in control--it's the party--the hand that holds the puppet/money strings. 

In the next election--national, state or local--vote for someone who shares your values who is not a republican or a democrat. 

even with their billion dollar donors, the republican and democratic parties will shrivel up and die if no one votes for their lousy candidates.

Nothing will be better for our country.

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