Friday, September 7, 2018

Sturm und Drang

Brett Kavanaugh Hearings: Theater of the Absurd | National Review

"Nebraska senator Ben Sasse, in one of the best opening statements of any hearing I’ve ever heard, cut through it all.

“Since your nomination in July,” Sasse said, “you’ve been accused of hating women, hating children, hating clean air, wanting dirty water. You’ve been declared an existential threat to our nation. Alumni of Yale Law School, incensed that faculty members at your alma mater praised your selection, wrote a public letter to the school saying, quote, ‘People will die if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed.’”

“This drivel is patently absurd,” he continued, “and I worry that we’re going to hear more of it over the next few days. But the good news is, it is absurd, and the American people don’t believe any of it.”

Sasse eloquently expanded on a point I’ve been banging my spoon on my highchair about for a while now: The legislative branch is becoming a parliament of pundits, in which both parties teem with people desperate to emote, preen, and shriek for voters and donors who follow politics like it’s a form of entertainment, and, in this case, a theater of the absurd." 

note: Sturm und Drang is German for storm and stress.

had enough? 

who do you trust?
- the republican party and the democratic party who "teem with people desperate to emote, preen, and shriek for voters and donors who follow politics like it’s a form of entertainment, and, in this case, a theater of the absurd"?
- someone who you know who has similar values to yours? who does what is necessary (e.g. compromise) to get the job done?
- or do you trust said republican and democratic parties that are financed by billionaire corporations and billionaire PACs that breed extremist obstructionists? 

here's how government operates: 

or rather, doesn't operate.

the fix to our dysfunctional government is simple and easy--stop voting for obstructionist candidates who don't have values similar to yours and who don't represent the best interests of our country to move our country forward. 

If you vote for a republican or a democrat, then it's not the person who you voted for who is in control--it's the party--the hand that holds the puppet/money strings. 

In the next election--national, state or local--vote for someone who shares your values who is not a democrat or a republican. 

even with their billion dollar donors, the republican and democratic parties will shrivel up and die if no one votes for their obstructionist candidates.

Nothing will be better for our country.

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