Saturday, December 21, 2019

Panic sweeps US as voters realize that there's no one to tell them how to vote

boogie news: 
Panic sweeps US as voters realize that there's no one to tell them how to vote 

Black Tuesday, November 6, 2024, 5:00 AM

widespread panic is sweeping the US today as voters realize that there's no one to tell them how to vote. Bear Brettman from Foxy News is reporting that with the sudden decline of the republican and democratic parties and the news media after the 2020 election that voters realize that they have no one to tell them how to vote. 

110-year old candidate for president Bettie Warren said from Iowa, "I knew this would happen. If I had been elected president in 2020, then my $898 bazillion "comprehensive-health-care-for-all-the-world" program would have provided the entire world with the name of the person to vote for in 2024--

meanwhile congresswoman COA called on congress to begin immediate impeachment proceedings against president Sandy Burner. Blitz Wolfman of NNC reported that the FBI has contacted consultant Vladimir Putinski to find out how to file a FISA court application for a warrant--since no one at the FBI knows how to do so. Putinski was quoted as saying that he already knows who will assume the presidency when president burner is impeached--

gun spokesman Vain Pierre released a statement calling for all americans to grab their assault weapons and join the panicked voters in the streets. Pierre said, "we must protect our 2nd amendment rights to own assault weapons", adding:

finally, scores of cable and internet TV outlets announced that a new reality show, "voting in america", will be released soon.  

image by Diariocritico de Venezuela

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