Wednesday, February 9, 2022

window dressing

the republican party is a lot like the NFL--LOTS of window dressing--but people know that the false front outside is not the same as the inside. being a political party, the deception of the GOP is much more evident than the NFL--yet both are the same--rotten on the inside. 

public domain

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

end of the gop?

the worst president in US history may not have brought down the government, but most likely he's brought down the republican party. 

trump not only fanned the flames of divisiveness within the USA, but he also fanned the flames of divisiveness within his own party--a split is inevitable. one remnant will be the white supremacist party and the other remnant will be whatever is left of the old gop is called. with the split neither of the two remnants will ever win another national election.

mcconnell's book will be a best seller.