Monday, June 3, 2019

town of strasburg, va.

"Listing strengths, team members mentioned Strasburg’s variety of small businesses, multiple properties poised for redevelopment, major transportation routes leading in and out of town, a vibrant arts community, and housing developments."

really? maybe the advisory board should take off their rose-colored glasses. have they looked down the town's main street (king st./rte. 11) lately? have they compared it with the main streets (rte. 11) in edinburg, woodstock, middletown and stephens city? strasburg's main street is a mess--pavement, sidewalks. 

small businesses? strasburg has a ton of pizza and other fast food joints. one grocery store. a couple of dollar stores. a bunch of antique and consignment shops. what else? well... a tattoo parlor has been approved. 

then there's riverwalk... 

one thing that can be said about strasburg--it probably looks the same today as it did 50 years ago. and, it'll probably look the same in 50 years as it does today. 

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