Monday, January 29, 2018

enough of the "dreamers" already!!!

it's INCREDIBLE how less than one million children of illegal immigrants can bring a government of approximately 325 million people to a screeching halt. 

 image by Pax Ahimsa Gethen


a republican in the white house and a republican majority in BOTH houses of congress. republicans can't get it done.

democrats are counting on the election in november to get control of congress and the election in 2020 to win back the white house. will the democrats be able to get it done? not if you look at recent history.

it doesn't make any difference whether republicans or democrats are in the majority--nothing gets done.

meanwhile, the budget, healthcare, immigration, the national debt, national defense, social security, medicaid, medicare, crime, IRS, VA, FBI, Secret Service, drugs, gun control, waste and inefficiency in government in general, etc. all need fixing--but, nothing gets done.

time to try something that might work for a change.

who do you trust? 
1. someone who has values similar to yours?
The good, the bad & the ugly: let's make America great again
2. someone who doesn't?
3. political parties, financed by billionaire corporations and PACs?

here's how government works:

if you vote for a republican or a democrat, then it's not the person who you voted for who is in control--it's the party.

in the next election--national, state or local--vote for anyone except a democrat or a republican. soon the republican and democratic parties will dry up and die. nothing will be better for the United States of America.

PS similarly, by refusing to patronize dishonest and biased media, they too will shrivel up and die--a triple win for honesty in government, for integrity in reporting the actions of government, and for us. 

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